As with the first version of the Bliss-Box adapter, FFB was again, a very long struggle. Though that is now behind as we move on to more interesting things. Happy to report that all that FFB lag ...
Bliss-Box now has the ability to copy your memory pack data from a console to an emulator and back. Check out the latest API tool and try it out for yourself. ...
3Do, is now part of the Bridge.
I had a friend of mine really looking for 3do support. Since I already had the sega cable I figured this one would be easy. Another thing I always wondered about 3do was the clock signal. I figur...
N64 joins the battle. (Bridge)
There was not much to this one as the protocol is very much like the Game Cube with a bit shorter timing so using the already established code was not going to work right. The controller polling ...
Snes has joined the battle! (Bridge)
Presumption here was to use the nes code and add a few bits, but few things were not true about SNES that were about NES. If you read my NES write up you may have read this. First off, the latc...
Go to any level / jump higher / stay bigger / live forever... The Gamer-Pro just got better... The Gamer-Pro was the successor to the 4-play but really is a lessor form. The next incarnation he...