Gamer-Pro and 4-Play Advanced
This adapter can use both HID (Human Interface Device) or X-Input. This is changed internal via a jumper. No drivers are needed or recommended. For firmware updates and tools see the Download Section.This adapter supports Force Feedback on all capable controllers.
Aadvantages over the Gamer-Pro and 4-Play.
- Compatible with 4-Play/GP Cables
- Xinput and HID support
- Fixed USB 1mS Poll rate
- USB 2.0 High Speed
- True Force Feedback Ready
- No Combo (rumble) fix needed!
The 4-Play Advanced
The 4-Pay Advanced, like the original 4-Play, combines the functionality of four GPA units with a few additional features. It also offers a single-player mode, though we recommend using a GPA for optimal performance. Currently, the single-player mode may cause USB enumeration issues on some computers, leading to occasional startup instability. Once the device is properly enumerated, it will function as expected. This issue may be addressed in a future firmware update.
In single-player mode, the 4-Play Advanced retains all the features of the GPA. However, when operating in 4-player mode, the only feature that is unavailable is LLAPI communication. Otherwise, it performs just like four individual GPA units.
4-Play Specific Features
- Multiple player mode selections: Please refer to the note above. Toggling this switch will configure the 4-Play to operate in single-player mode.
- Power on/off: The 4-Pay can be shut off via the power button in the back.
- Independent reset/update buttons: Each port can be updated or reset.
- Xinput/Hid switches: The 4-play ports each have their own Xinput and HID toggle switches.
- Extra power port: This port is entirely optional and not required for any core operations. It provides additional power for the PlayStation rumble motors, delivering 7 volts instead of the standard 5 volts. The PlayStation rumble feature can still be used at its lowest setting without this additional power. This port can also supply extra power to the USB ports, which may be useful in certain single-player scenarios.
4-Play Interface:
Front Panel:
The front panel includes the four players from left to right. Each port is equipped with a reset/update button, an Xinput/HID LED, and the interface port.
The back panel includes The following options.
- Power button: Controls the power to the device.
- USB uplink: For any HID or Xinput USB compatible device.
- USB additional power: Optional, designed mainly for extra PlayStation rumble power. Or any situation where the USB operations require more power.
- Player Mode Selection: This switch allows for single player operational mode. See note above.
- Xinput / HID modes: Individually controls the driver the USB will use for each player.
- Power LED: Indicate when the device is operating.
- Full Emulation: A wide variety of controllers are fully supported right out of the box. This includes even complex features like the Sony Playstation 2's pressure sensitive buttons or the Sega Dreamcast's VMU. The Compatibility List shows all the known controllers currently supported. This list is periodically updated and amended as we expand the adapters capabilities.
- Multi-platform: Use your adapter on almost any modern operating system. The adapter works on Windows, OSX, Linux, Raspberry Pi, Android, and most any USB device.
- Plug & Play: The adapter does not need software or drivers to be installed by the user. Simply plug it in and select your emulator, game, and controller.
- Hot Swap: This feature makes it easy to switch between controllers in mid-game. If Auto Pause is enabled (default setup) The adapter will pause your game while you switch, and you can continue playing when you're ready. The new controller is detected automatically.
- Easy-Upgradable Firmware: The adapter can be quickly updated via USB with a firmware file downloaded from our website. This allows new features and controllers to be added painlessly.
- Global Button Mapping: The adapter's internal button mapping is set up so that buttons on different controllers match each other's layouts as closely as possible. This makes Hot Swapping more intuitive. For additional details, see the layouts at the end of this doc.
- Alternative Mapping: The global mapping now has an alternative layout for c/x l/r configs. See details below (Global button mapping and layouts.).
- Force Feedback and rumble: Controller rumble works on a wide variety of controllers. The currently supported rumble controllers are the Nintendo 64, Nintendo GameCube, Sony Playstation , Sony Playstation 2, and the Sega Dreamcast. The Gamecube racing wheel supports force feedback steering.
- Auto Pause: When the adapter senses the controller has become unplugged, it presses the pause button.
- Hotkey: Pressing and holding START will trigger a Hotkey combo. You may configure this combo for a hot key in front-ends like Retro Arch.
- Native Support: The adapter has the ability to allow communication from the emulated game directly to the controller and back with any of the supported controllers (N64, Gamecube, Playstation, partial Dreamcast).
- Port Naming: A special USB ID is saved for each port and the USB is named "GPA.x" Where x equals the player you specified. Or "4-Play/GP PORT.x" if you preveviolsy isntalled a Gamer-Pro. These adapters share the same USB ID so make there 1:1 compatible.
- Save to EEPROM: You can see your saved setting by using the API
- Developer API: The adapter has an API with which emulator developers can communicate directly with and transfer data. This allows native support for advanced features. For example, developers can use the API to see exactly which controllers are currently connected to the adapter for displaying on the screen or automatic custom remapping. Also native support for saving to the controller's attached memory card or even write images to the Dreamcast controller's LCD screen. Support for the GameCube's Gameboy Advanced Link can be added, and the emulators can talk directly to the controller bypassing dirrectx/USB HID. The possibilities are endless. An API tool is also available on the download page. With this tool you may turn on and off the configurable features listed below. This is done via USB control trasfers.
- LLAPI (Low Level API): In addition to the developer API there is a wire to wire mode for getting data and controlling the Adapter.This is simply done over the existing USB wires and can be used with other devices connected to the USB port. The first device to utilize this is the Bridge. An add-on that allows the adapter to work on many consoles. The second device to take advantage of this is the ever-growing MiSTer. The MiSTer can use this protocol and directly poll controllers with no USB involved.
Programmable Features where applicable.
- Auto Pause Disabled: Turns on and off auto pause mode.
- D-Pad-(UDLR): This mode shifts the directional controller buttons from HAT to analog.
- TRurbo Mode: Any of the main buttons (i.e. b,a,x,y,l,r) can be put in turbo mode.
- D-pad Only: This is a read only mode and it cannot be set. This mode will turn off when any analog movement is seen. It simply tells you if you are using a controller with no analogs. Used for API integration.
- Button Mapping: The API tool allows button mappings. There are presets for Sony Playstation 3, Xbox 360, Android, and default. You may also make your own presets.
- Button Swapping and rotation: This mode allows any two pairs of buttons to be swapped, or the 4 face buttons to be rotated.
- Hotswap Disabled: Using this feature may have undesirable effects. This will prevent auto searching for controllers (hot swap). To switch to another controller, a reset will be needed.
- Disable all combo buttons: From the API you can disable the button combos that enable and disable modes. Once active and saved, you must undo this change to get the combos features back.
Button codes for programmable features.
- D-Pad-(UDLR) Mode: Left trigger + Right Trigger + select or Z(for n64 pads) (hold for 3 seconds) (Also can be turned on via the API Tool)
- Turbo Mode: To enable turbo on any of the main buttons (i.e. b,a,x,y,l,r) press the button you wish to toggle and while leaving it pressed, do one of the following. The default mode is 20 shot. Press start 3 times to enable turbo on that button. To disable repeat the same operation. Press start 4 times to set the fast turbo mode, 35 shots a second (30ms). Press start 5 times to set the slow turbo mode, enter a custom speed (set in the API). Unset is 100.
- Button Swapping and rotation: To activate the rotation of 4 face buttons; press the 4 face buttons then press start for 2 seconds. Repeat to rotate again. To activate a button swap (you may do two pairs) press any two buttons then start for 2 seconds. For example A and B and start, to swap A and B buttons. if you wish to also swap C and D pres C and D and start for 2 more seconds. (This is only configurable via the controller).
- Hotkey: Pressing and holding START (2 seconds) will trigger a button combo. You may configure this combo for a hot key in front-ends like Retro Arch. Use the API to set this combo. Simply hold the combination of button(s) you desire and press the HotKey API button. Once that has been done, that combo will fire when you long press the start button. Only the first row of buttons (i.e. a,b,x,y,l,r) are supported. To disable this feature press the HotKey button with no combo held down. The default is unset so it will not work until it has been set in the API tool. If any hotkey is configured and the hotkey is pressed (start for 2 seconds) with select at the same time, the adapter will press the HID button ID (19) currently assumed to be the home button in the general mapping. You can configure the start button as the hotkey if this is the only hotkey configuration you want. Makeing select + start for 2 seconds, fire the home button.
- Alternative mapping: Currently there are two mapping modes for most controllers. These are for those that like mixing and matching controller with emulators and like controllers mapped in other ways. The default layouts are at the bottom of this page with the alt. mappings in blue. The alt. mapping is set via Z + C or L + R and then using the d-Pad for the mode. Currently, and if a controller has an alternative mode, the d-pad up is default and down is the alternative. Left and right are reserved for potential future alternative mappings. Example; With a Saturn controller you may press both Z and C along with the down d-pad for 2.5 seconds to enter the alternative mapping mode or using a SNES + L and R along with the D-pad direction. Note that with a TG16 or PC-FX controller that combo would be down with III and IV.
Controller Detection
Atari, Mattel Intellivision, and similar controllers have no active electronics. These controllers are merely switches, one for each button. There is no way to detect such a device unless you hold down a button during connection. If unable to detect the controller type the adapter defaults to the Atari mode. Thus, the following buttons must be held down while connecting these specific controllers
- Third-Party Sega Genesis 6-Button: Start Button (Not require in all cases)
- Some times NEO-Geo pads do not play well, hold A to force it.
- ColecoVision: Right or Purple Button (SAC)
- Bally: Trigger
- Intellivision: Hold both bottom side buttons.
- Atari 7800 FB (cx-24) press right button.
Atari Mode
This mode is used for Atari and like controllers that really have no electronics in them. Once in Atari mode there is no way to detect a new controller. So, to leave this mode you must press the reset button. When you first plug in the adapter, any ports without a controller plugged in will default to Atari mode.
Safe Mode
If your port seems unresponsive or does not show up in the USB controller list, a bad flash or HID corruption may have occurred. You can repair the port by entering safe mode and re-flashing. To enter Safe Mode, unplug the adapter. Press and hold down the reset button on the port you wish to repair. Plug the adapter in without releasing the reset button and proceed in flashing the port. If you are having troubles holding down the button and have a psx or jaguar dongle you may use this trick by shorting the pins with a paper clip (French 'Trombone').
Firmware Upgrade
There is a reset/upgrade button on the adapter. During normal use it works as a reset button, forcing the unit to re-detect the connected controller. If you hold it down however, it tells its the device to go into upgrade mode. When you release it, it will go back to normal operation. To upgrade firmware, you must first hold down the reset/upgrade button. For upgrades, you can use the API tool, the BBFlash tool. All are found in the Download Section.
Low Level API Mode. (For advanced users)
Addtional documentation is here foruse with this feature.
The LLAPI uses the already available USB lines. To invoke the API you simply bring both d- and d+ high with external or internal pull ups. This condition will not cause any abnormal condition to existing USB hardware so it’s safe to use in both cases. When the adapter detects the condition, it will go in to LLAPI mode. So this can be asserted via software or hardware in your connecting device.
Global button mapping and layouts.
For convenience the most popular controllers are graphically displayed for quick reference. For greater detail visit global mappings. The following images are based off the HID windows assignments. the adapter has 24 HID buttons available. Some controllers can make use of the alternative mapping (seen in blue).
Blue button numbers indicate alt mappings
notes in red are when the mapping was introduced.
d-pad's all map to HID d-pad
select maps to HID (5) start maps to HID (6)
the 4 main buttons to HID (1-4)
secondary buttons to HID (7,8)
tertiary buttons to HID (9,10)
quaternary buttons to HID (15,16)
Game Cube |
N64 |
Neo Geo |
![]() |
Play Station |
Snes |
Neo Geo AES |
7800 |
Jag Pro |
Virtual Boy |
Dream Cat |
Tg16 |
Wii |
Jag |
Atari |
Vectrex |
Gen |
Images provided by Don "Furluge" Scherig
Third-Party controllers in general should have no problems, however they are not always designed the same way as the original manufacturer intended. Some might work on the console but not with the adapter. For example, most Mad Catz Nintendo 64 and Nintendo GameCube controllers work but Mad Catz Sega Dreamcast controllers do not. See the compatibility list for more info.
Please contact support if a specific emulator is giving you trouble or if you still have issues after reading the FAQs below.
Will this adapter work with my emulator?
In the event that an emulator lacks support for Human Interface Device (HID), compatibility may be compromised. Bliss-Box maintains limited influence over the decisions made by emulator developers. However, seamless operation is ensured provided that they fully integrate HID support into their systems. Development teams are proactive in addressing any arising issues to uphold optimal performance. It's worth noting that certain legacy emulators, particularly those based on DOS, may not be compatible with HID. Should difficulties arise, reaching out to the emulator's author for assistance is advised. Additionally, while the implementation of advanced features is generally straightforward, some emulator developers may opt not to accommodate certain adapter types. Although RetroArch endeavors to provide comprehensive support, individual projects may not exhibit the same level of receptiveness.
Why aren’t some of my buttons working?
- Please reset the device.
- Is this an official gamepad? If not, support could be added. Feel free to contact us for assistance.
- If you suspect any connectors are faulty, they can be replaced. Please get in touch with us for support.
- Are you experiencing any issues with the controller's functionality? Older controllers can accumulate dirt or wear out over time. We recommend testing them on the console.
- Restore defaults from the API to rectify any potential mapping issues.
Why am I getting random nonsense inputs?
- Ensure your controller is connected before plugging in the USB. Avoid pressing buttons during the auto-detection phase (1 to 3 seconds after connection), unless necessary.
- If your gamepad isn't official, reach out to us for potential support options.
- Certain Sega Dreamcast and Nintendo GameCube controllers may exhibit similar behavior; feel free to contact us for assistance.
- Try resetting the device.
- Restore to default settings if needed.
Why isn’t my Coleco number pad working?
Reset the device, the adapter is in Atari Mode. Make sure to hold
down the button as indicated in the Controller Detection section.
My SNES or NES makes the d-pad go left when I hit a button, what's wrong?
Reset the device, the adapter is in Atari Mode.
Why aren't my sega X Y Z buttons working?
The controller may be in 3-Button Mode. If a reset does not work, try hold ing down the Start button and reset.
Why do I have more buttons on the HID window than my controller has?
This is normal; it is for compatibility. The adapter can not hold all
possible layouts so there is only one. It will not affect game play or
Why does my Guitar Hero guitar have the left button (button 13) held down?
The port is in normal Sony Playstation mode. Keep the Guitar connected, and hit the reset button.
What do I do if my controller works but it isn't included on the Compatibility List?
Send us the info, so we can add it!
If my controller isn't on the Compatibility List, will it work?
It might, give it a try! If it doesn't, we can probably update our firmware so that it does!
Can you make my control work even if it's listed as not working?
We're willing to bet we can make it work and add it to our firmware.
How can I force Windows to detect my ports in a specific order?
Use the API Tool. There is a menu Item for setting the port order.
I have more the one adapter and all of my adatper are named the same in the device view and its hard to know what port or device is what?
Use the API Tool to configure the port order. Requires 2.0 or higher.
ePSXe won't let me assign inputs.
Go to option in the menu bar and Uncheck "Auto Load PPF files" enabled.
Can I use my own or other cables with Bliss-Box devices.
We do not have any logic or prevention in place for cables, you are welcome to use what you like. We put in a lot of effort in to ensure the cables will not cause harm to the device or a controller. We recommend you use approved cables. It is always wise to know what you are buying, more info here