advanced integrated replicator


The A.I.R stands for advacned interaged replicator. And does just that, it replicates the LLAPI signal. It can turn LLAPi in to a wirelss, LLAPI , or USB signal, It allows for LLAPI or wireless input. So there is no recied or sender, its all in one and should work without and switching. You can set up to 16 channels and the USB out put does HID or Xinput. You cna power it from a bettery or USB power supply. If you power from a USB port, make sure there is no USB data wires, or it will think its outputting to USB.     


The Story

The story is one of those notable stories that need to be said. This story will not help you use the product or help you desiced to buy it but it does explaine why it looks the way it is. The A.I.R began way back in June of 2018. Bliss-Box start on a new project to send and recive data wrelessly. After a year of work it was evedent it will work in sender or reciver mode backed ont he inputs/outputs it sees. The Nordic   nRF24L01+ was used and the PCB layout becan. There were a lot of anttena design issue and power problems .

There was a continues problem with the attena and code that seemed to stupt many experts, and aftera long off and on road ( 3 years ) it was solved. Inj around 2021 the code worked and the single was good and strong. Bliss-Box had used a co-company to design the board beaced on the logic but after all the revisions and fxies the PCB gew. Initially it was 1 inch long and at the end nearly 3 inches. 

When Bliss-Box asked the PCB to be redesgined and compaonent to be put on the back of the board we were told it can not be done. Regarless of all the pushing Bliss-Box has to step back form the co-company. 

Bliss-Box does not stand down from a challenge, never has and never will. So it was taken on internaly to redisgn the board. This type of board requires a lot of work and many revisions to get under way. Since Blisss-Box does not have an internal fabrucation factroy we left that to the co-coimpany to deal with. Every step of the process ended on the same note, not posible, done wrong, will never work. 

With greate persaverance, the final design was ready in 2023.  It preformed very well but there were more issue that needed debugging. Going back to the software end of things to work out the bug, took some time but in 2024 it was resolved. At this time Nordic dropped the chipset support so it was done without support. The online toold for board createds also crashed and all projects were lost. 

bliss-Box had to face its first canceled project as the source files for the PCB were not recoverable. Later it was desicvoerde that edits coudl be made the the PCB but they had to be done blindly. A few of this blind attempts were made and at the end of 2024 the projects was back on track. 

The last issue and the more inmportant one to note. The prodction of this project was not posible because too many custom packaging and caseing items needed to be created. Thus, this is the second time Bliss-Box is going to make a hand made, garage based project.  the only part of the A.I.R that is done on the line, is the PCB. So it will not have the fancy project look and many will not be made. If you own one, you are 1 of 100 that do. It may have another run but it is not planned. 


How to

You should recve this handout. 

This adapter used the dfu for flashing. Go to the download section and get the BB Flasher if yu want a UI, or use the dfu flashing process. 



Jumper config


Channel select

There are 16 posible combination 0-15 channels. As long as they match you are god, if you buy more then one, hange the channel on the second pair to another combo. 


The board has LED indicators, a battery plug, and the antenna conenctor. 


1) LED indicators ont he board will show the mode it is in.

Innitialy both LEDs blink together to test the LED.

RED outputs
  Solid red means USB found
  Fast Blink LLAPI found
  Slow blink Wireless found
  rapid blink searching for mode.

GREEN input
  Solid LLAPI found
  Slow blink wireless found
  rapid blink searching for mode.

2) The battery connector is one way to get power. A second option woudl be a USB battery pack. If you need a battery we suggest a (L) 40, (w) 20, (h) 10 cm with at least 500-700 mAh. This will fit anything smaller is ok. 


3) This is just the antenna connector, if you pull up on this you will rip the wireless modual off the board. Leave it connected. 


Step 1

Insert the PCB at an anlge

Step 2

Push PCB into place. 

 Step 3

Ensure its all the way in. 

Step 4

Connect the battery 

Step 5

Push LEDs into windows. 

Step 6

Bring wire across and down

Step 7

Move wire out of the way

Step 8

Antenna lays along battery

Step 9

Slide cover in to place


Completly assembled.  



As this is a product that did not undergo production other then the PCB, there is no retail packing. However it will arrive in a box with protective foam accompanied with a quick start pamflit. All of this is done from a simple office under a very low budget.